There's a New Moon and it's Red!
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Here, you will find up-to-date and archive information regarding our productions and the works of Wayne Gerard Trotman.

Red Moon Productions Ltd has produced and published non-fiction and fiction titles including Veterans of the Psychic Wars and Kaya Abaniah and the Father of the Forest.

Red Moon Productions Ltd has produced hundreds of award-winning commercial photographic images and artwork. Book publications include Images of Cuba and Classic Cars of Cuba.

Red Moon Productions Ltd has produced 8 albums and over 150 pieces of unique and distinctive instrumental music, including compositions for film and television.

Red Moon Productions Ltd has produced award-winning films and videos, including Ashes to Ashes, one of the world's first digital movies and Britain's first martial arts movie.
The author's writing style is truly brilliant and his ability to draw you into his universe is second to none.
Rayven Darkiss Reads
...a medley of science fiction tropes, from aliens and spaceships to telepathy and artificial intelligence.
Amazon Customer
This is an entertaining kung fu film that mixes action, comedy, sex, and brutal, brutal violence.
TheSelfBiasResistor IMDB
...Trotman really deserves his own genre. It's alive, vibrant, fascinating, and intricate.
What's new?
New releases and new editions.
Wayne Gerard Trotman's Rhyming Stories.
The Last Honey Bee is the first of 7 beautifully illustrated full-colour premium hardcover books written in rhyme for young children. The Last Honey Bee aims to make young children aware of the importance of honey bees while urging them not to harm these important pollinators. Children are encouraged to plant wildflowers, which are also declining in the UK. The Last Honey Bee was a finalist in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards 2019.
A Tiger's Tale introduces the critically endangered Sumatran tiger to the adults of the future. With less than 400 of these beautiful animals remaining in the wild, urgent action is required to ensure their continued survival. A Tiger's Tale was a winner in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards 2019.
An Elephant's Advice is about Tun Tun, a baby African forest elephant. He receives sound advice from his parents when they are ambushed by a hunter and a poacher. About 55 of these intelligent animals are killed each day for their ivory. Educating future generations is vital in the fight against this terrible crime. An Elephant's Advice was a winner in the Purple Dragonfly Book Awards 2020.
Mattie Boombalatty is Wayne Gerard Trotman's first fairy tale. When Mattie goes to a new school, rich girls tease, taunt, and bully her. A visitor comes to her rescue but he isn't what anyone expects. Learn how Mattie deals with the girls' cruelty without becoming cruel herself. Mattie Boombalatty won a Literary Titan Book Award 2020.
Song of the Blue Whale is about the largest and loudest animal on Earth. Despite a global whaling ban, the blue whale remains endangered. The book encourages children and their parents to sponsor whales, recycle, use less plastic, discard rubbish responsibly and be more mindful humans. Song of the Blue Whale won a Literary Titan Book Award 2020.
Believe in Fairies is an illustrated rhyming fairy tale for the young and the young at heart by Wayne Gerard Trotman & Sherrie Trotman. From an idea by Sherrie Trotman, the poem encourages appreciation for endangered wildflowers. Believe in Fairies won a Literary Titan Book Award 2020.
A Letter from a Gorilla is about Silverback Jeremy, an endangered mountain gorilla who lives in Africa. If he could write us a letter, what do you think he would say? Learn about the threats to mountain gorillas and what we can do to help protect them. A Letter from a Gorilla won a Literary Titan Book Award 2021.
A Turtle's Adventures is about Shelly, a leatherback sea turtle, who returns to her hatching beach in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to lay her eggs. There, on Matura Beach, she shares her tales of her adventures with jellyfish, sharks, and killer whales. A Turtle's Adventures was a winner in the Purple Dragonfly Book Awards 2021.
Supernatural Literature
Kaya Abaniah and the Father of the Forest.
A coming-of-age science fiction adventure novel, set in the Caribbean.
Editor Thomas Riggs noted that Kaya Abaniah and the Father of the Forest was the most recent work reviewed in Supernatural Literature, a 3-volume encyclopaedia published by St. James Press covering the literature of the supernatural across the canon, including such notable works as Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. In 2020, Kaya Abaniah and the Father of the Forest won a Literary Titan Book Award.
What's next?
Architects of the Psychic Wars.
The next instalment in the Psychic Wars saga is coming - the sequel to Veterans of the Psychic Wars.
Wayne Gerard Trotman has commenced writing Architects of the Psychic Wars. Several years have passed since the epic Battle of Miru and the events of Veterans of the Psychic Wars. There is a new danger. Death whispers his name. May the scribes record it. May it be written; may it be done.
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